Buick Regal Owners & Service Manuals

Buick Regal: Electrical System


 Electrical System Overload

The vehicle has fuses and circuit breakers to protect against an electrical system overload. When the current electrical load is too heavy, the circuit breaker opens and closes, protecting the circui

 Engine Compartment Fuse Block

To remove the fuse block cover, squeeze the three retaining clips on the cover and lift it straight up. Caution: Spilling liquid on any electrical component on the vehicle may damage it. Always keep

 Instrument Panel Fuse Block

The instrument panel fuse block is in the instrument panel, on the driver side of the vehicle. To access the fuses, press in on the sides of the cover and pull to release it from the instrument panel


 Tire Pressure Monitor System

The Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS) uses radio and sensor technology to check tire pressure levels. The TPMS sensors monitor the air pressure in your tires and transmit tire pressure readings to a receiver located in the vehicle. Each tire, including the spare (if provided), should be checked m

 Rear Suspension Lower Trailing Link Replacement

Removal Procedure 1. Raise and support the vehicle. 2. Remove the rear tire and wheel assembly. 3. Rear Suspension Trailing Arm Nut(1) - Remove. 4. Rear Suspension Trailing Arm Bolt(2) - Remove and DISCARD. 5. Rear Suspension Trailing Arm Bolt(1) - Remove and DISCARD. 6. Rear Suspension Lowe

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