Buick Regal Owners & Service Manuals

Buick Regal: Engine Oil

To ensure proper engine performance and long life, careful attention must be paid to engine oil.

Following these simple, but important steps will help protect your investment:

  • Use engine oil approved to the proper specification and of the proper viscosity grade. See "Selecting the Right Engine Oil" in this section.
  • Check the engine oil level regularly and maintain the proper oil level. See "Checking Engine Oil" and "When to Add Engine Oil" in this section.
  • Change the engine oil at the appropriate time.
  • Always dispose of engine oil properly. See "What to Do with Used Oil" in this section.

Checking Engine Oil

Check the engine oil level regularly, every 650 km (400 mi), especially prior to a long trip. The engine oil dipstick handle is a loop.

Warning: The engine oil dipstick handle may be hot; it could burn you.

Use a towel or glove to touch the dipstick handle.

If a low oil Driver Information Center (DIC) message displays, check the oil level.

Follow these guidelines:

  • To get an accurate reading, park the vehicle on level ground.

    Check the engine oil level after the engine has been off for at least two hours. Checking the engine oil level on steep grades or too soon after engine shutoff can result in incorrect readings.

    Accuracy improves when checking a cold engine prior to starting. Remove the dipstick and check the level.

  • If unable to wait two hours, the engine must be off for at least 15 minutes if the engine is warm, or at least 30 minutes if the engine is not warm. Pull out the dipstick, wipe it with a clean paper towel or cloth, then push it back in all the way. Remove it again, keeping the tip down, and check the level.

When to Add Engine Oil

V6 Engine Shown, L4 Engine V6 Engine Shown, L4 Engine Similar

If the oil is below the cross-hatched area at the tip of the dipstick and the engine has been off for at least 15 minutes, add 1 L (1 qt) of the recommended oil and then recheck the level. See "Selecting the Right Engine Oil" later in this section for an explanation of what kind of oil to use.

Caution: Do not add too much oil. Oil levels above or below the acceptable operating range shown on the dipstick are harmful to the engine. If you find that you have an oil level above the operating range, i.e., the engine has so much oil that the oil level gets above the cross-hatched area that shows the proper operating range, the engine could be damaged. You should drain out the excess oil or limit driving of the vehicle and seek a service professional to remove the excess amount of oil.

See Engine Compartment Overview for the location of the engine oil fill cap.

Add enough oil to put the level somewhere in the proper operating range. Push the dipstick all the way back in when through.


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