Buick Regal Owners & Service Manuals

Buick Regal: Description and Operation


 Cooling Fan Description and Operation

System Overview The engine cooling fan system consists of 2 electric cooling fans and 3 fan relays. The cooling fan relays are arranged in a series/parallel (S/P) configuration. This allows the engin

 Cooling System Description and Operation

Engine Coolant Indicators The instrument panel cluster (IPC) shows the engine temperature on the temperature gauge. The value is sent on the data communication line from engine control module (EC

 Firing Order and Cylinder Identification

NOTE: This information is intended as a quick reference for firing order and cylinder identification only. The information provided covers many vehicles and may include some information that does not


 Warning Lights, Gauges, and Indicators

Warning: lights and gauges can signal that something is wrong before it becomes serious enough to cause an expensive repair or replacement. Paying attention to the warning lights and gauges could prevent injury. Some warning lights come on briefly when the engine is started to indicate they are wor

 Description and Operation

AUTOMATIC DAY-NIGHT MIRROR DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION Inside Rearview Mirror with the Automatic Day-Night Feature System Operation The inside rearview mirror uses 2 photocell sensors. One sensor is the headlight sensor, located on the face side of the mirror. The headlight sensor is used to determi

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