Buick Regal Owners & Service Manuals

Buick Regal: Engine


 Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)


FASTENER SPECIFICATIONS Single Use Non-Threaded Fasteners/Components Application NOTE: All fasteners/components listed in this table MUST BE DISCARDED and replaced with NEW after removal. Camshaft Co

 Schematic Wiring Diagrams, Component Locator

Schematic Wiring Diagrams ENGINE OIL LEVEL AND PRESSURE CONTROL SCHEMATIC WIRING DIAGRAM (LTG) Component Locator DISASSEMBLED VIEWS Camshaft Cover and Components Engine Coolant Air Bleed Pipe Bolt


 No Global Positioning System (GPS) Reception (IO5/IO6 with UE1)

Diagnostic Instructions Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle prior to using this diagnostic procedure. Review Strategy Based Diagnosis for an overview of the diagnostic approach. Refer to Diagnostic Procedure Instructions for an overview of each diagnostic category. DTC Descripto

 Transmission Overheats

TRANSMISSION FLUID COOLER FLOW TEST AND FLUSHING (6T50) GM studies indicate that plugged or restricted transmission oil coolers and pipes cause insufficient transmission lubrication and elevated operating temperatures which can lead to premature transmission failure. Many repeat repair cases coul

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