Buick Regal Owners & Service Manuals

Buick Regal: Flushing

Tools Required

  • GE-45268 Air Conditioning Flushing Adapter Kit
  • GE-41447-a Leak Detection Dye
  • GE-50078 Electronic Leak Detector
  • GE-50300 Air Conditioning Service Center for HFO1234-yf

General Information

R-1234yf (HFO-1234yf) - 2, 3, 3, 3 - Tetrafluoroprop-1-ene (CF3CFCH2), is an olefin containing hydrogen, fluorine and carbon with thermodynamic properties similar to R-134a. This refrigerant is a mildly flammable gas.

It has a boiling point of -29.2ºC, a vapor pressure of 583 kPa absolute at 20ºC, no ozone depletion potential, and a global warming potential (GWP) of 4.

In certain regions, technicians repairing or servicing motor vehicle air conditioning (MVAC) systems must be trained and certified by the appropriate regional or national regulatory agency.

  • In the USA, refer to the EPA website for MVAC training requirements.
  • In Canada, refer to the Environment Canada website for MVAC training requirements.
  • In Europe, refer to Commission Regulation (EC) No 307/2008 for MVAC training requirements.

WARNING: R-1234yf Proper Service Procedures Warning.

NOTE: Flushing with the GE-50300 Cool Tech Refrigerant Recovery/Recharge Machine is not intended to remove metal from the air conditioning system.

Flushing is intended to remove the following contaminants:

  • Contaminated air conditioning oil
  • Desiccant, following a desiccant bag failure
  • Overcharge of air conditioning oil
  • Refrigerant contamination

Metal Contamination

In the event of an A/C Compressor failure, metal will be released throughout the system resulting in contamination of the refrigerant and all system components.

Only install a designated machine for contaminated refrigerant (GE-50957 Machine R-1234yf Contaminated Refrigerant or equivalent service machine designated for contaminated refrigerant). This is critical to meet the requirements of SAE J2851, and so the standard refrigerant service machine is not contaminated thus introducing contamination into other vehicles.

For more information on recovery and recharging when system contamination is present, as well as proper disposal, refer to Refrigerant Recovery and Recharging (R-1234yf).

Components that are to be REPLACED due to metal contamination are as follows:

  • Air conditioning compressor
  • Metal lines that contain mufflers
  • Thermal expansion valve (TXV)
  • Receiver/Drier bottle with desiccant bag
  • All rubber O-rings and seals
  • Schrader valves on service ports

Components that are to be FLUSHED due to metal contamination, and are considered reusable are as follows:

  • Basic metal lines that contain no mufflers
  • Condenser
  • Evaporator


NOTE: Warmer engine or ambient temperature decreases the refrigerant recovery time during the air conditioning flush procedure.

NOTE: Minimum flush time for metal contamination should be 25 minutes.

1. Recover the refrigerant.

2. Remove the front air conditioning evaporator thermal expansion valve.

3. Install the J 45268-115 in place of the thermal expansion valve.

4. Remove the air conditioning compressor.

5. Install J 45268-10 to the discharge hose.

6. Install J 45268-10 to the suction hose.


Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

NOTE: Forward flow refrigerant flushing is recommended for contaminated refrigerant or air conditioning oil.

NOTE: The filter inside GE-45268-1 is serviceable. Remove and discard the check valve from the filter.

Service the filter with ACDelco P/N GF 470, before each flush.

  1. Connect J 45268-1 to the suction port of J 45268-10.
  2. Connect the blue hose from GE-50300 Air Conditioning Service Center for HFO1234-yf to the J 45268-1 flush filter adapter.
  3. Connect the red hose from GE-50300 Air Conditioning Service Center for HFO1234-yf to the J 45268-10 flush adapter.

NOTE: Reverse flow refrigerant flushing is recommended for desiccant cartridge failure.

NOTE: The filter inside GE-45268-1 is serviceable. Remove and discard the check valve from the filter.

8. Service the filter with ACDelco P/N GF 470, before each flush.

  1. Connect J 45268-1 to the discharge port of J 45268-10.
  2. Connect the blue hose from GE-50300 Air Conditioning Service Center for HFO1234-yf to the suction port of J 45268-1 flush adapter.
  3. Connect the red hose from GE-50300 Air Conditioning Service Center for HFO1234-yf to the suction port of J 45268-10 flush adapter.

NOTE: The valve on the external refrigerant tank must be closed before starting the flush process.

9. Flush the front air conditioning system by following the instructions supplied with the GE-50300 Air Conditioning Service Center for HFO1234-yf.

NOTE: If the vehicle is equipped with an auxiliary air conditioning system, it will be necessary to flush the front air conditioning system before flushing the auxiliary air conditioning system.

10. Service the filter with ACDelco P/N GF 470 before each flush.

  1. Remove J 45268-115 from the front evaporator.
  2. Inspect the front air conditioning evaporator thermal expansion valve for debris. Clean or replace as needed
  3. Install the front air conditioning evaporator thermal expansion valve.
  4. Install J 45268-115 in place of the auxiliary air conditioning evaporator thermal expansion valve.

11. Flush the auxiliary air conditioning system by following the instructions supplied with the GE-50300 Air Conditioning Service Center for HFO1234-yf.

12. Remove J 45268-10 from the discharge hose.

13. Remove J 45268-10 from the suction hose.

NOTE: Flushing will remove all the air conditioning oil from the air conditioning system. The air conditioning system must be replenished with the correct amount of air conditioning oil.

14. If the removed air conditioning compressor is being reinstalled, perform the following procedure:

NOTE: Rotate the compressor input shaft to assist in draining the air conditioning oil from the compressor.

  1. Drain the air conditioning oil from the air conditioning compressor.

CAUTION: Refer to Correct Refrigerant Lubricant Caution.

  1. Add the total system capacity of air conditioning oil to the air conditioning compressor.

15. Refill the air conditioning system with the proper amount of air conditioning oil.

16. If the removed air conditioning compressor is being reinstalled, perform the following procedure:

  1. Drain the air conditioning oil from the air conditioning compressor.

CAUTION: Refer to Correct Refrigerant Lubricant Caution.

  1. Add the total system capacity of air conditioning oil to the air conditioning compressor.

17. If you will replace the air conditioning compressor after flushing the system, perform the following procedure:

  1. DO NOT drain the new air conditioning oil from the compressor.
  2. Deduct the amount of air conditioning oil shipped with the service compressor from the amount of air conditioning oil listed in the approximate fluid capacities table.

CAUTION: Refer to Correct Refrigerant Lubricant Caution.

18. Add the calculated amount to the compressor, as needed.

NOTE: GE-41447-a leak detection dye is for PAG oil only.

19. Add one bottle of GE-41447-a leak detection dye directly to the air conditioning compresor.

20. Install the air conditioning compressor.

21. Replace the air conditioning receiver and dehydrator.

22. Remove J 45268-115.

23. Install the auxiliary air conditioning evaporator thermal expansion valve.

24. Evacuate and recharge the air conditioning system.

25. Leak test the fittings using GE-50078 Electronic Leak Detector..


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