Removal Procedure
Upper Intermediate Steering Shaft(3)@Intermediate Steering Shaft - Disconnect.
2. Upper Intermediate Steering Shaft(3) & Intermediate Steering Shaft Boot- Upper(1) - Position aside.
Intermediate Steering Shaft Boot Bolt- Inner(1) - Remove[3x].
4. Lift the lip of the intermediate steering shaft inner boot and release the boot from the intermediate steering shaft pass through.
Intermediate Steering Shaft Boot- Inner(1) - Remove.
Installation Procedure
WARNING: Ensure the bearing in the intermediate steering shaft outer boot does NOT become dislodged while installing the intermediate steering shaft inner boot. If the bearing dislodges then binding in the steering system may occur, causing difficulty in steering the vehicle.
If equipped, inspect the intermediate steering shaft outer boot bearing (1) and ensure the bearing has NOT become dislodged.
If the bearing is dislodged, install the bearing in the outer boot correctly before proceeding to the next step.
NOTE: Apply a thin soap water film.
Area(1, 2) - Lubricate.
Intermediate Steering Shaft Boot- Inner(1) - Reposition.
When installing the intermediate steering shaft inner boot (1), ensure the inner boot is aligned properly with the intermediate steering shaft outer boot (2).
Do NOT align the intermediate steering shaft inner boot (1) to the bulkhead (3)while installation.
Massage in area (1)on the whole circumference (arrow), the intermediate steering shaft inner boot onto the intermediate steering shaft outer boot.
6. Lift the lip of the intermediate steering shaft inner boot and secure the boot to the intermediate steering shaft pass through.
CAUTION: Fastener Caution
8. Intermediate Steering Shaft Boot Bolt- Inner(1) - Install and tighten[3x] 9 N.m (80 lb in) - Tighten in the sequence shown.
CAUTION: The upper boot must be installed and connected to the lower boot correctly. If not, water could enter the boot and over time, corrode the steering shaft and/or penetrate the input shaft seal of the steering gear. If water enters the steering gear, it may cause loss of power assist.
Inspect for the following conditions:
10. If a condition exists repeat the installation procedure.
Upper Intermediate Steering Shaft(3) & Intermediate Steering Shaft Boot- Upper(1) - Reposition.
12. Upper Intermediate Steering Shaft(3)@Intermediate Steering Shaft - Connect.