Buick Regal Owners & Service Manuals

Buick Regal: Introduction


 Arrows and Symbols, Acronyms and Units

ARROWS AND SYMBOLS This service manual uses various symbols in order to describe different service operations. Front of Vehicle View Detail Ambient Air Mixed with Another Gas or Indicate Tempera

 Vehicle, Engine and Transmission ID and VIN Location, Derivative and Usage

The vehicle identification number (VIN) plate is the legal identifier of the vehicle. The VIN plate is located on the upper left corner of the instrument panel (I/P) and can be seen through the win


Metric Fasteners This vehicle provides fastener dimensions using the metric system. Most metric fasteners are approximate in diameter to equivalent English fasteners. Make replacements using fastene


 DTC C0670 or C0675

Diagnostic Instructions Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle prior to using this diagnostic procedure. Review Strategy Based Diagnosis for an overview of the diagnostic approach. Diagnostic Procedure Instructions provides an overview of each diagnostic category. DTC Descriptors D

 Camshaft Cover and Compressor Air Intake Turbocharger Installation (2ND Design Tamper-Proof PCV System)

Camshaft Cover and Turbocharger Installation Fig. 16: Valve Cover Bolts And Turbocharger Nuts Tightening Sequence Turbocharger Oil Return Pipe Gasket NOTE: Use a NEW gasket. Turbocharger Oil Return Pipe Gasket NOTE: Use a NEW gasket. Turbocharger Oil Return Pipe Turbocharger Oil Return Pipe

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