Keys can be programmed in various ways using the procedures outlined below. Using the Replacing Keys procedures will first erase all the known keys from the vehicle. Any existing keys and any new keys will then be programmed. This procedure should be used any time a key is required to be unlearned or erased from a vehicle. If a new key is being learned to a vehicle to replace a damaged, inoperative, or stolen key, the Replacing Keys procedure must be used. This ensures that the old key cannot be used to access or start the vehicle after programming.
The Adding Keys procedure does not erase any keys prior to programming. The procedure will simply program the key into the next available slot. The Adding Keys procedure should only be used when adding an additional key to the vehicle. The Adding Keys procedure should never be used to program a key to a vehicle that is having a key replaced, regardless of the cause for the replacement.
Replacing Keys (With SPS)
1. Connect a scan tool to the vehicle and access SPS.
2. Ensure that all power consuming devices are turned OFF on the vehicle.
3. Select the SPS application and follow the on-screen instructions.
4. Select Reprogram ECU.
5. Select IMMO Immobilizer Learn - Setup.
6. Select the Program Transponder or Remote Key (Delete) function.
7. Follow the on-screen instructions.
8. After programming all keys, "Programming Complete" is displayed.
9. Press the lock and unlock button on each key that was programmed. This will awaken each key and allow keyless entry functions to be established.
10. With a scan tool, clear any DTCs.
11. Verify each key is operating properly. Operate each of the keyless entry functions using the buttons on the key and then start the vehicle. When verifying operation, make sure that no other keys are near the vehicle.
Replacing Keys (Without SPS) - United States and Mexico only
1. With an unlearned master vehicle key, turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
2. Observe the security indicator, after approximately 10 min the indicator will turn off.
3. Turn OFF the ignition and wait 5 s.
4. Repeat steps 1 - 3 two more times for a total of 3 cycles or 30 min.
NOTE: The body control module learns the key transponder information upon the ignition transition from OFF to ON. You must turn the ignition OFF before attempting to start the vehicle.
5. Start the vehicle. The vehicle has now learned the key transponder information.
6. Additional keys may be learned using the Adding Keys procedure.
7. Clear all DTCs.
Adding Keys (With SPS)
1. Connect a scan tool to the vehicle and access SPS.
2. Ensure that all power consuming devices are turned OFF on the vehicle.
3. Select the SPS application and follow the on-screen instructions.
4. Select Reprogram ECU.
5. Select IMMO Immobilizer Learn - Setup.
6. Select the Program Transponder or Remote Key (Add) function.
7. Follow the on-screen instructions.
8. After programming all keys, "Programming Complete" is displayed.
9. Press the lock and unlock button on each key that was programmed. This will awaken each key and allow keyless entry functions to be established.
10. With a scan tool, clear any DTCs.
11. Verify each key is operating properly. Operate each of the keyless entry functions using the buttons on the key and then start the vehicle. When verifying operation, make sure that no other keys are near the vehicle.
Adding Keys (Without SPS) - North America only
1. With a previously learned key, turn the ignition ON.
2. Turn the ignition OFF and remove the key.
3. With a second previously learned key, turn the ignition ON.
4. Within 10 seconds of turning OFF the ignition, insert the key to be learned and turn ON the ignition. Keep the key in the ignition ON position for 5 seconds. The vehicle has now learned the new key and integrated keyless entry transmitter.