Buick Regal Owners & Service Manuals

Buick Regal: OnStar Services



Emergency Services require an active, OnStar service plan (excludes Basic Plan). With Automatic Crash Response, built-in sensors can automatically alert a specially trained OnStar Advisor who is immed


OnStar navigation requires a specific OnStar service plan. Press to receive Turn-by-Turn directions or have them sent to the vehicle's navigation screen, if equipped. Turn-by-Turn Navigation 1. Pres


The following OnStar services help with staying connected. Ensuring Security Change the default passwords for the Wi-Fi hotspot and myBuick mobile application. Make these passwords different fro


 DTC P1434

Diagnostic Instructions Perform the Diagnostic System Check prior to using this diagnostic procedure:Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Review the description of Strategy Based Diagnosis:Strategy Based Diagnosis An overview of each diagnostic category can be found here:Diagnostic Procedure

 DTC P0973 or P0974

Diagnostic Instructions Perform the Diagnostic System Check prior to using this diagnostic procedure: Refer to Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Review the description of Strategy Based Diagnosis: refer to Strategy Based Diagnosis An overview of each diagnostic category can be found here: r

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