Buick Regal Owners & Service Manuals

Buick Regal: Positive Crankcase Ventilation Valve Replacement

Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Preliminary Proced80ure

Intake Manifold Cover Replacement.

NOTE: Inspect each component while attached to the camshaft cover. Do not remove the PCV
components unless inspection indicates a suspect component. Replace the PCV valve, PCV
tube assembly, and PCV hose fitting as an assembly. The connections between these
components are permanent.

  1. Positive Crankcase Ventilation Valve Bolt
    CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution.
    8 N.m (71 lb in)
  2. Positive Crankcase Ventilation Valve
    Inspect the PCV valve. If the PCV valve is suspect, use a suitable tool to pry the valve off of the
    cover. Retrieve any particles that fall onto the baffle in the cover. Discard the valve and particles.
    NOTE: When the PCV valve is removed, small particles of the valve will break and fall into the cover.
  3. Positive Crankcase Ventilation Valve Fitting Seal
    NOTE: Inspect the seal and replace as needed.


Special Tools

  • EN-50956 Tamper Proof Drive Bit

Equivalent regional tools: Special Tools.

Removal Procedure

1. Intake Manifold Cover Replacement - Remove.

2. Positive Crankcase Ventilation Tube @ Air Cleaner Outlet Duct - Disconnect.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

NOTE: PCV Valve fasteners are tamper proof and must have a slot cut in the fastener to be removed.

Using a suitable cutting tool, cut a slot in the fasteners. Remove the PCV valve fasteners with a flat blade screw driver and DISCARD (1).

4. Remove the PCV hose fastener (2) from the camshaft cover.

NOTE: PCV valves and PCV tube assembly have tamper-proof connections and cannot be disassembled.

5. Remove the PCV valves and PCV tube assembly.

Installation Procedure


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Install the PCV hose assembly and PCV valves (3).

CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution.

2. Install the NEW PCV valve fasteners (1) using EN-50956 tamper proof drive bit and tighten to 10 N.m (89 lb in).

3. Install the PCV hose fastener (2) and tighten to 12 N.m (106 lb in).

4. Positive Crankcase Ventilation Tube @ Air Cleaner Outlet Duct - Connect.

5. Intake Manifold Cover Replacement - Install.


Removal Procedure

1. Intake Manifold Cover - Remove.

2. Charge Air Cooler Outlet Air Tube - Remove.

3. Fuel Feed Front Pipe - Remove.

4. Engine Coolant Air Bleed Hose - Remov.

NOTE: The Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) tube has a tamper-proof fitting and cannot be disconnected without damage to the PCV tube. Only disconnect the PCV tube if replacing the air cleaner outlet duct. If repositioning the air cleaner outlet duct, leave the PCV tube connected.

5. Positive Crankcase Ventilation Tube - Remove.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Evaporative Emission Canister Purge Solenoid Valve (1) - Remove.

7. Throttle Body Assembly - Remove.

8. Fuel Pump - Remove.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Disengage the intake manifold cover clips (1) then remove the cover (2).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

NOTE: The intake manifold bolts are retained in the intake manifold. If the bolts cause clearance concerns, secure them as needed using tape.

Fully loosen the intake manifold bolts (1) in order to remove the intake manifold.

NOTE: The fuel injection fuel rail fuel pressure sensor must be removed to obtain enough clearance to remove the intake manifold from the vehicle.

11. Separate the intake manifold from the engine to gain access to the fuel pressure sensor.

12. Fuel Injection Fuel Rail Fuel Pressure Sensor - Remove.

13. Remove the intake manifold. (2).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove and DISCARD the gasket.

15. Clean and inspect the intake manifold.

Installation Procedure


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Install a NEW intake manifold gasket. (1).

2. Fuel Injection Fuel Rail Fuel Pressure Sensor - Install.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

NOTE: When installing the intake manifold, ensure that the gasket seal is securely installed prior to positioning the intake manifold.

Install the intake manifold. (2)

NOTE: If tape has been installed to ease intake manifold removal, remove the tape.

4. Start all bolts by hand before tightening. (1)

Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)
Fig. 2: Intake Manifold Bolts Tightening Sequence

5. CAUTION: Fastener Caution.

Tighten the intake manifold bolts in the sequence shown.

  1. First Pass: 12N.m (106 lb in)
  2. Final Pass: 12N.m (106 lb in)


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Position the intake manifold cover (2) over the intake manifold then engage the clips (1) to secure the cover.

7. Fuel Pump - Install.

8. Throttle Body Assembly - Install.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Evaporative Emission Canister Purge Solenoid Valve (1) - Install.

10. Engine Coolant Air Bleed Hose - Remove.

11. Charge Air Cooler Outlet Air Tube - Remove.

12. Fuel Feed Front Pipe - Remove.

13. Intake Manifold Cover - Remove.


Special Tools

  • EN-45059 Angle Meter
  • EN-51577 Crankshaft Balancer Holder/Remover
  • J-41816-2 or EN-38416-2 Crankshaft End Protector

Equivalent regional tools: Special Tools

Removal Procedure

1. Remove the drive belt.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Use EN-51577-1 Crankshaft Balancer Remover (1) and breaker bar (2) prevent the crankshaft from rotating while loosening the crankshaft balancer fastener (3).

3. Remove and DISCARD the crankshaft balancer fastener (3).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the crankshaft balancer holder then install the J-41816-2 or EN-38416-2 Crankshaft End Protector (1) and all components of EN-51577 Crankshaft Balancer Remover (2, 3) as shown.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Tighten the crankshaft balancer remover (1) in order to remove the crankshaft balancer (2).

Installation Procedure


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Install the crankshaft balancer with NEW fastener. Use EN-51577-1 Crankshaft Balancer Remover (1) and breaker bar (2) prevent the crankshaft from rotating while tightening the NEW crankshaft balancer fastener (3).

CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution.

2. Tighten the crankshaft balancer bolt to 150 N.m (111 lb ft) plus an additional 140 degrees using the EN-45059 meter.

3. Install the drive belt. Drive Belt Replacement.


Special Tools

  • EN-51577-1 Crankshaft Balancer Remover
  • EN-50837 Timing Chain Tensioner Retraction Tool

For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools.

Removal Procedure

1. Remove the camshaft cover. Refer to Camshaft Cover Replacement.

2. Remove the timing chain. Refer to Camshaft Timing Chain and Tensioner Replacement.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the balancer chain tensioner bolt (1).

4. Remove the balancer chain tensioner (2).

5. Compress and lock the tensioner using EN-50837 retention tool.

  1. Insert EN-50837 retention tool into the lever arm and push in a counterclockwise direction.
  2. Compress the tensioner while holding lever arm.
  3. Relax the force on the lever and tensioner slightly, allowing the tensioner to extend 3 ratchet clicks, and then hold in place.
  4. Pull lever clockwise using EN-50837 retention tool until the hole in the lever aligns with the hole in the tensioner assembly. Push the point of EN-50837 retention tool through the lever and into the tensioner assembly.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the balancer chain guide bolt (1).

7. Remove the balancer chain guide (2).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

NOTE: The crankshaft balancer and the ORIGINAL balancer bolt will be temporarily installed in order to counter hold the crankshaft while removing the balancer shaft driven sprocket bolt.

TEMPORARILY install the crankshaft balancer (1).

  1. TEMPORARILY install the ORIGINAL crankshaft balancer bolt (2).
  2. Counter hold the crankshaft balancer pulley (1) using the EN-51577-1 Crankshaft Balancer Remover (3).
  3. While counter holding, remove and DISCARD the balancer shaft driven sprocket bolt (4).
  4. Remove the crankshaft balancer bolt (2), balancer (1) and tool (3).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the crankshaft sprocket, balancer shaft driven sprocket, and balancer chain (1) simultaneously.

Installation Procedure


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

NOTE: Proper setup is critical to ensure correct timing when installing the sprockets and chain simultaneously onto the shafts. The timing links are heat treated blued steel.

Assemble the crankshaft sprocket, balancer shaft driven sprocket, and balancer chain. Ensure the timing link (1) lines up with the timing mark (2) on the crankshaft sprocket. Ensure that both timing teeth (3) on the balancer shaft driven sprocket line up with the timing links (4).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

NOTE: The crankshaft keyway should be in the 12 O'clock position.

Install the sprockets and chain (1) as an assembly to the crankshaft and balancer shaft assembly.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Ensure the timing link (1) is aligned with the crankshaft sprocket timing mark (2).

4. Ensure the adjacent timing links (4) are aligned with both of the timing marks (3) on the balancer shaft driven sprocket.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

NOTE: The crankshaft balancer and the ORIGINAL balancer bolt will be temporarily installed again in order to counter hold the crankshaft while tightening the balancer shaft driven sprocket bolt.

Hand start the NEW balancer shaft driven sprocket bolt (4).

  1. TEMPORARILY install the crankshaft balancer (1).
  2. TEMPORARILY install the ORIGINAL crankshaft balancer bolt (2).
  3. Counter hold the crankshaft balancer pulley (1) using the EN-51577-1 Crankshaft Balancer Remover (3).

CAUTION: This vehicle is equipped with torque-to-yield or single use fasteners.

Install a NEW torque-to-yield or single use fastener when installing this component. Failure to replace the torque-to-yield or single use fastener could cause damage to the vehicle or component.

CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution.

  1. Counter hold the crankshaft balancer using the EN-51577-1 Crankshaft Balancer Remover (3).
  2. While counter holding, tighten the balancer shaft driven sprocket bolt (4) to 40 N.m (30 lb ft) plus 50 degrees

NOTE: A NEW crankshaft balancer bolt will be installed during final installation of the crankshaft balancer.

  1. Remove and DISCARD the crankshaft balancer bolt (2).
  2. Remove the crankshaft balancer (1) and EN-51577-1 Crankshaft Balancer Remover (3).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

NOTE: Ensure the guide is installed in the correct orientation. The long end must point toward the crankshaft and the flat edge must be adjacent to the balance chain.

Install the balancer chain guide (2).

7. Install the balancer chain guide bolts (1). Tighten the bolts to 10 N.m (89 lb in).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Install the balancer chain tensioner (2).

9. Install the balancer chain tensioner bolts (1). Tighten the bolts to 10 N.m (89 lb in).

10. Remove EN-50837 retention tool to restore the tension to the balancer chain.

11. Install the timing chain. Refer to Camshaft Timing Chain and Tensioner Replacement.

12. Install the camshaft cover. Refer to Camshaft Cover Replacement.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Preliminary Procedure

Crankshaft Balancer Replacement.

  1. Crankshaft Front Oil Seal
    1. Use a suitable tool to remove the seal.
    2. Use the EN 50820 Front Crankshaft Seal Installer to install the seal.

    Special Tools
    EN 50820 Front Crankshaft Seal Installer
    Equivalent regional tools: Special Tools


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