Buick Regal Owners & Service Manuals

Buick Regal: Windshield Replacement

HUD System

The windshield is part of the HUD system. If the windshield needs to be replaced, be sure to get one that is designed for HUD or the HUD image may look out of focus.

Driver Assistance Systems

If the windshield needs to be replaced and the vehicle is equipped with a front camera sensor for the Driver Assistance Systems, a GM replacement windshield is recommended. The replacement windshield must be installed according to GM specifications for proper alignment. If it is not, these systems may not work properly, they may display messages, or they may not work at all. See your dealer for proper windshield replacement.

Acoustic Windshield

The vehicle is equipped with an acoustic windshield. If the windshield needs to be replaced be sure to get an acoustic windshield so you will continue to have the benefits an acoustic windshield can provide.

Gas Strut(s)

This vehicle is equipped with gas strut(s) to provide assistance in lifting and holding open the hood/ trunk/liftgate system in full open position.

Warning: If the gas struts that hold open the hood, trunk, and/or liftgate fail, you or others could be seriously injured. Take the vehicle to your dealer for service immediately.

Visually inspect the gas struts for signs of wear, cracks, or other damage periodically. Check to make sure the hood/trunk/liftgate is held open with enough force.

If struts are failing to hold the hood/trunk/liftgate, do not operate. Have the vehicle serviced.

Caution: Do not apply tape or hang any objects from gas struts. Also do not push down or pull on gas struts. This may cause damage to the vehicle.

Hood Hood

Trunk Trunk

Liftgate Liftgate

Headlamp Aiming

Headlamp aim has been preset and should need no further adjustment.

If the vehicle is damaged in a crash, the headlamp aim may be affected.

If adjustment to the headlamps is necessary, see your dealer.


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