Buick Regal Owners & Service Manuals

Buick Regal: Engine Front Cover Removal


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the accessory drive belt tensioner bolt (1).

2. Remove the accessory drive belt tensioner (2).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the engine front cover bolts (2 - 7, 9).

4. Discard bolts 3, 5, and 6.

5. Remove the engine front cover (1).

6. Ensure proper use of room temperature vulcanizing (RTV) sealant. Use of Room Temperature Vulcanizing (RTV) and Anaerobic Sealant.

7. Clean and Inspect the engine front cover mating surface.

8. Remove the front oil seal (8) with an appropriate tool.


Special Tools

EN 50837 Timing Chain Tensioner Retraction Tool

For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the upper timing chain guide bolts (2, 3).

2. Remove the upper timing chain guide (1).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the timing chain tensioner bolts (1) and timing chain tensioner (2).

4. Remove the timing chain tensioner gasket (3) and discard.

5. Compress and lock the tensioner using EN-50837 retention tool.

  1. Insert EN-50837 retention tool into the lever arm and push in a counterclockwise direction.
  2. Compress the tensioner while holding lever arm.
  3. Relax the force on the lever and tensioner slightly, allowing the tensioner to extend 3 ratchet clicks, and then hold in place.
  4. Pull lever clockwise using EN-50837 retention tool until the hole in the lever aligns with the hole in the tensioner assembly. Push the point of EN-50837 retention tool through the lever and into the tensioner assembly.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the timing chain tensioner pivot arm bolt (1).

7. Remove the timing chain tensioner pivot arm (2).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the timing chain guide bolts (1).

9. Remove the timing chain guide (2).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the timing chain (1).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the timing chain oil nozzle (1).



Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the lower oil pan bolts (3) and two oil pan to lower crankcase bolts (2).

2. Remove the lower oil pan (1).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the oil pump flow control valve cover (2) and bolts (1, 3, 4).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the engine oil cooler (1) and bolts (2).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the upper oil pan (2) and bolts (1, 3).


Special Tools

EN-50837 Timing Chain Tensioner Retraction Tool


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the balancer chain tensioner bolt (1).

2. Remove the balancer chain tensioner (2).

3. Compress and lock the tensioner using EN-50837 retention tool.

  1. Insert EN-50837 retention tool into the lever arm and push in a clockwise direction.
  2. Compress the tensioner while holding lever arm.
  3. Relax the force on the lever and tensioner slightly, allowing the tensioner to extend 3 ratchet clicks, and then hold in place.
  4. Pull lever counterclockwise using EN-50837 retention tool until the hole in the lever aligns with the hole in the tensioner assembly. Push the point of EN-50837 retention tool through the lever and into the tensioner assembly.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the balancer chain guide bolt (1).

5. Remove the balancer chain guide (2).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Use an open end wrench over flat on balance shaft while loosening balancer shaft sprocket bolt. Remove and discard the balancer shaft driven sprocket bolt (1).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the crankshaft key (1).

8. Remove the crankshaft sprocket, balancer shaft driven sprocket, and balancer chain (2) simultaneously.


Intake Camshaft and Components Removal


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the camshaft front bearing cap bolts (2).


  • Locate the pry points (3) on the camshaft front bearing cap.
  • When using the pry points to remove the front bearing cap, use a protective material between the camshaft lobes, the cylinder head flange, and pry tool.
  • Use 2 pry tools simultaneously to pry the upper front bearing cap away from the lower bearing cap evenly.

2. Using suitable pry tools, remove the camshaft front bearing cap (1) 3.

Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Mark the intake camshaft rear cap to ensure it is installed in the same position. Remove the intake camshaft bearing rear cap bolts (1) and cap (4).

NOTE: Loosen each bolt on each cap one turn at a time until there is no spring tension pushing on the camshaft.

4. Mark the camshaft caps (2) to ensure they are installed in the same position.

5. Remove the intake camshaft cap bolts (1).

6. Remove the camshaft caps (2).

7. Remove the intake camshaft (3).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

NOTE: Keep all of the roller finger followers and hydraulic lash adjusters in order so that they can be reinstalled in their respective locations.

Remove the intake camshaft roller finger followers (1).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the hydraulic lash adjusters (1).

Exhaust Camshaft and Components Removal


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

NOTE: Loosen each bolt on each cap one turn at a time until there is no spring tension pushing on the camshaft.

Mark camshaft caps (2) to ensure they are installed in the same position.

2. Remove the exhaust camshaft cap bolts (3).

3. Remove the camshaft caps (2) ensuring they are marked and refitted in same position on assembly.

4. Remove the exhaust camshaft (1).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

NOTE: Keep all of the roller finger followers and hydraulic lash adjusters in order so that they can be reinstalled in their respective locations.

Remove the exhaust camshaft roller finger followers (1).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the hydraulic lash adjusters (1).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the camshaft bearing lower front cap (1).



Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Disconnect the thermal bypass hose at the engine oil cooler.

2. Remove the thermal bypass pipe bolts (1) at the water pump assembly.

3. Disconnect the pipe from the water outlet assembly.

4. Remove the thermal bypass pipe (2) and gasket (3) from the water pump assembly. Discard the gasket.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the retaining clip (5) and engine coolant temperature sensor (2).

6. Remove the water outlet assembly (1), bolts (4), and gasket seal (3). Discard the gasket.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Remove the thermostat assembly (2), bolts (3), and gasket seal (4). Discard the gasket.

8. Remove the water pump assembly (5), bolts (1), and seal (6). Discard the seal.


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