Buick Regal Owners & Service Manuals

Buick Regal: Oil Pan Installation


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Ensure proper use of room temperature vulcanizing (RTV) sealant. Use of Room Temperature Vulcanizing (RTV) and Anaerobic Sealant.


  • The oil pan sealing surfaces must be free of contamination prior to applying the sealer.
  • Install and align the oil pans within 20 minutes of applying the sealer.
  • The oil pans must be fastened to final torque specification within 60 minutes of applying the sealer.

2. Apply a bead of RTV sealant to the perimeter of the lower oil pan.

3. Install the lower oil pan (1) to the upper oil pan.

CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution.

NOTE: Two long bolts secure the lower oil pan and upper oil pan together to the lower crankcase.

4. Install the short lower oil pan bolts (2) and tighten to 10 N.m (89 lb in).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)


  • The lower crankcase surface must be free of contamination prior to applying the sealer.
  • Install and align the oil pan to block within 20 minutes of applying the sealer.
  • The oil pan must be fastened to f

Apply a 4.25 mm bead of sealer (1) on the level part of the flange around the perimeter of the oil pan. Refer to Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Install the oil pan (1).

7. Install the oil pan bolts (2, 3) finger tight.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Tighten the oil pan bolts in sequence to final torque twice using the following procedure:

  1. Tighten bolts in sequence 1 - 11 to 25 N.m (18 lb ft).
  2. Tighten bolts in sequence 12 - 13 to 10 N.m (89 lb in).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Install the engine oil cooler (1). Tighten the engine oil cooler connector to 50 N.m (37 lb ft).

10. Install the engine oil cooler bolt (2) and tighten to 10 N.m (89 lb in).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Install the oil pump flow control valve cover (2).

12. Install the valve cover bolts (1, 3) and tighten to 9 N.m (80 lb in).

13. Install the valve cover bolt (4) and tighten to 58 N.m (43 lb ft).


Special Tools

  • EN 45059 Angle Meter
  • EN 50837 Timing Chain Tensioner Retraction Tool

For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

NOTE: Ensure the timing chain oil nozzle is rotated with the notch facing upward, and aligned with the tab on the engine block.

Install the timing chain oil nozzle (1).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

NOTE: There are three colored links on the timing chain. The two links that align to the timing marks on the actuators are the same color. The timing link that aligns with the timing mark on the crankshaft sprocket is a unique color. Use the following procedure to line up the links with the actuators. Orient the chain so that the colored links are visible.

Loop the timing chain over the intake and exhaust camshaft actuators, aligning one of the same colored links (2) with the timing mark on the exhaust camshaft actuator (3).

NOTE: The same colored link corresponding to the intake actuator will not initially align with the intake actuator timing mark, nor the unique colored timing chain link align with the crankshaft sprocket timing mark.

3. Ensure the crankshaft key in the 12 O'clock position. Loop the timing chain onto the crankshaft sprocket.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

NOTE: Timing will be established before the final install and torque of the guide bolts.

Install the timing chain guide (2) and upper bolt (1) only, finger tight.

5. Install the timing chain tensioner pivot arm (3).

6. Install the pivot arm bolt (1) finger tight.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

With a suitable tool, rotate the crankshaft counterclockwise to align the timing mark on the crankshaft sprocket (1) with the unique colored timing link (2).

NOTE: Continue to rotate the crankshaft counterclockwise as necessary to maintain timing alignment.

Ensure that the alignment mark on the exhaust camshaft actuator remains aligned with the corresponding same colored timing link.

8. Rotate the lower end of the fixed timing chain guide into installation position and install the lower bolt (3).

CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution.

9. Tighten the timing chain guide upper and lower bolts to 25 N.m (18 lb ft).


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)


  • The timing for the exhaust camshaft actuator and the crankshaft sprocket has been established.
  • Applying or loosening pressure by hand between the timing chain guides will allow the chain to slip or bind during counterclockwise rotation of the camshaft.

Using a suitable tool, rotate the intake camshaft counterclockwise until the timing mark on the intake actuator (2) is aligned with the corresponding same colored timing link (1). Maintain tension on intake camshaft until the timing chain tensioner can be installed and activated.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

NOTE: Ensure EN-50837 retraction tool is installed and the tensioner is locked in a compressed state before installing.

Install a NEW timing chain tensioner gasket (3) on the timing chain tensioner (2).

12. While maintaining the intake camshaft actuator timing alignment, install the timing chain tensioner (2) and bolts (1) and tighten to 25 N.m (18 lb ft).

13. Tighten the pivot arm bolt to 25 N.m (18 lb ft).

14. Remove EN-50837 retraction tool.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Verify the timing links on the timing chain are properly aligned to the timing marks:

  1. The same colored timing links (1, 2) are aligned to the appropriate timing marks on the camshaft actuators (6, 3).
  2. The unique colored link (5) is aligned to the timing mark on the crankshaft sprocket (4).

16. If they are not, repeat the portion of the procedure necessary to align the timing marks.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Install the timing chain guide (1) and bolts (2, 3) finger tight.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

Tighten the front camshaft cap bolts in sequence to 10 N.m (89 lb in) twice.

NOTE: Rotating the crankshaft will engage the tensioner and remove slack from the timing chain.

19. Rotate the crankshaft slightly in a clockwise direction. If the timing chain jumps actuator teeth, repeat procedure to align the timing marks.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

NOTE: Because of slight clockwise rotation, all chain marks may be advanced slightly in relation to the actuator and sprocket marks, yet still aligned.

NOTE: Due to size difference of the crankshaft sprocket and the balance shaft sprocket, timing marks on the chain will not match during every crankshaft revolution. Ensure that the marks on the sprockets are aligned appropriately before installing the timing chain.

Verify the timing links on the balance chain are properly aligned to the timing marks:

  1. The timing link (1) is aligned to the timing mark on the crankshaft sprocket (2).
  2. The adjacent timing links (4) are aligned with both timing marks (3) on the balancer shaft driven sprocket.


Engine Mechanical - 2.0L (LTG)

NOTE: Because of slight clockwise rotation, all chain marks may be advanced slightly in relation to the actuator and sprocket marks, yet still aligned.

Verify the timing links on the timing chain are properly aligned to the timing marks:

  1. The same colored timing links (1, 2) are aligned to the appropriate timing marks on the camshaft actuators (6, 3).
  2. The unique colored link (5) is aligned to the timing mark on the crankshaft sprocket (4).

22. If they are not, repeat the portion of the procedure necessary to align the timing marks.


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