Buick Regal Owners & Service Manuals
Buick Regal 2018-2025 Service Manual / Suspension / Rear Suspension / Repair Instructions / Rear Suspension Lower Trailing Link Replacement

Buick Regal: Rear Suspension Lower Trailing Link Replacement

Removal Procedure

1. Raise and support the vehicle.

2. Remove the rear tire and wheel assembly.


Rear Suspension

Rear Suspension Trailing Arm Nut(1) - Remove.

4. Rear Suspension Trailing Arm Bolt(2) - Remove and DISCARD.


Rear Suspension

Rear Suspension Trailing Arm Bolt(1) - Remove and DISCARD.


Rear Suspension

Rear Suspension Lower Trailing Link(1) - Remove.

Installation Procedure


Rear Suspension

Rear Suspension Lower Trailing Link(1) - Install.


Rear Suspension

CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution.

CAUTION: This vehicle is equipped with torque-to-yield or single use fasteners. Install a NEW torque-to-yield or single use fastener when installing this component.

Failure to replace the torque-to-yield or single use fastener could cause damage to the vehicle or component.

Rear Suspension Trailing Arm Bolt(1) - Install NEW and tighten.

  1. First Pass: 100 N.m (74 lb ft)
  2. Final Pass: (90 - 105 degrees)


Rear Suspension

Rear Suspension Trailing Arm Bolt(2) - Install NEW.

4. Rear Suspension Trailing Arm Nut(1) - Install and hand tighten.

5. Rear Suspension Trailing Arm Bolt(2) - Tighten

  1. First Pass: 100 N.m (74 lb ft)
  2. Final Pass: (90 - 105 degrees)

6. Install the rear tire and wheel assembly.

7. Remove the support and lower the vehicle.


Removal Procedure

1. Remove the rear tire and wheel assembly.

2. Support the rear suspension lower control arm.


Rear Suspension

Rear Stabilizer Shaft Link Nut(1) - Remove.

4. Rear Stabilizer Shaft Link Bolt(2) - Remove.


Rear Suspension

Rear Shock Absorber Nut(1) - Remove.

6. Rear Shock Absorber Bolt(2) - Remove and DISCARD.


Rear Suspension

Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm Outer Nut(1) - Remove.

8. Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm Outer Bolt(2) - Remove and DISCARD.


Rear Suspension

Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm Inner Nut(1) - Remove.

10. Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm Adjust Cam(2) - Remove.


Rear Suspension

Lower the rear suspension lower control arm (1) to provide clearance for the rear coil spring.


Rear Suspension

Rear Coil Spring (1) - Remove.

13. Rear Coil Spring Lower Insulator (2) - Remove.

14. Rear Coil Spring Insulator (3) - Remove.


Rear Suspension

Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm Adjust Bolt(1) - Remove.


Rear Suspension

Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm(1) - Remove.

Installation Procedure


Rear Suspension

Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm(1) - Install.


Rear Suspension

Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm Adjust Bolt(1) - Install.


Rear Suspension

Rear Coil Spring Lower Insulator (2) - Install.

4. Rear Coil Spring (1) - Install.

5. Rear Coil Spring Insulator (3) - Install.


Rear Suspension

Raise the rear suspension lower control arm (1) back into position.


Rear Suspension

CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution.

Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm Adjust Cam(2) - Install.

8. Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm Inner Nut(1) - Install and tighten 90 N.m (66 lb ft).


Rear Suspension

CAUTION: This vehicle is equipped with torque-to-yield or single use fasteners. Install a NEW torque-to-yield or single use fastener when installing this component.

Failure to replace the torque-to-yield or single use fastener could cause damage to the vehicle or component.

Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm Outer Bolt(2) - Install a NEW bolt.

10. Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm Outer Nut(1) - Install.


  1. First Pass: 160 N.m (118 lb ft)N.m
  2. Final Pass: (90-105 degrees)


Rear Suspension

Rear Shock Absorber Bolt(2) - Install a NEW bolt.

12. Rear Shock Absorber Nut(1) - Install.


  1. First Pass: 160 N.m (118 lb ft)N.m
  2. Final Pass: (90-105 degrees)


Rear Suspension

Rear Stabilizer Shaft Link Bolt(2) - Install.

14. Rear Stabilizer Shaft Link Nut(1) - Install and tighten 58 N.m (43 lb ft).

15. Remove the support from the rear suspension lower control arm.

16. Install the rear tire and wheel assembly.

17. Verify the rear camber specifications and adjust as necessary.


Removal Procedure

1. Raise and support the vehicle.

2. Remove the rear tire and wheel assembly.

3. { If equipped }Wiring Harness@Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm - Separate.

4. Support the rear suspension lower control arm.


Rear Suspension

Rear Shock Absorber Nut(1) - Remove.

6. Rear Shock Absorber Bolt(2) - Remove and DISCARD.


Rear Suspension

Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm Outer Nut(1) - Remove.

8. Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm Outer Bolt(2) - Remove and DISCARD.


Rear Suspension

Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm Inner Nut(1) - Remove.

10. Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm Adjust Cam(2) - Remove.


Rear Suspension

Using a suitable flat bladed tool (1), separate the rear suspension lower control arm (2) from the rear suspension knuckle (3) as shown.


Rear Suspension

Lower the rear suspension lower control arm (1) to provide clearance for the rear coil spring.


Rear Suspension

Rear Coil Spring(1) - Remove.

14. Rear Coil Spring Lower Insulator(2) - Remove.

15. Rear Coil Spring Insulator(3) - Remove.


Rear Suspension

Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm Adjuster Bolt(1) - Remove.


Rear Suspension

Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm(1) - Remove.

Installation Procedure


Rear Suspension

Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm(1) - Install.


Rear Suspension

Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm Adjuster Bolt(1) - Install.


Rear Suspension

NOTE: Ensure the proper rear suspension lower control arm adjuster bolt and rear suspension lower control arm adjust cam installation and orientation.

Install the rear suspension lower control arm adjuster bolt so the rear suspension lower control arm adjust cam does not overlap the raised structure on the cradle (1), and the rear suspension lower control arm adjust cam scribe marks face 9 and 3 o'clock (2).


Rear Suspension

Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm Adjust Cam(2) - Install.

5. Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm Inner Nut(1) - Install and hand tighten.


Rear Suspension

NOTE: Ensure the proper rear suspension lower control arm inner nut and rear suspension lower control arm adjust cam installation and orientation.

Install the rear suspension lower control arm inner nut so the rear suspension lower control arm adjust cam does not overlap the raised structure on the cradle (1), and the cam scribe marks face 9 and 3 o'clock (2).


Rear Suspension

Rear Coil Spring Insulator(3) - Install.

8. Rear Coil Spring Lower Insulator(2) - Install.

9. Rear Coil Spring(1) - Install.


Rear Suspension

Raise the rear suspension lower control arm (1) back into position.


Rear Suspension

CAUTION: This vehicle is equipped with torque-to-yield or single use fasteners. Install a NEW torque-to-yield or single use fastener when installing this component.

Failure to replace the torque-to-yield or single use fastener could cause damage to the vehicle or component.

Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm Outer Bolt(2) - Install NEW.

CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution.

12. Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm Outer Nut(1) - Install and tighten.

  1. First Pass: 150 N.m (111 lb ft)
  2. Final Pass: (90-105 degrees)


Rear Suspension

Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm Inner Nut(1) - Tighten 160 N.m (118 lb ft).


Rear Suspension

Rear Shock Absorber Bolt(2) - Install NEW.

15. Rear Shock Absorber Nut(1) - Install.

16. { If equipped }Wiring Harness@Rear Suspension Lower Control Arm - Install.

17. Remove the support from the rear suspension lower control arm.

18. Install the rear tire and wheel assembly.

19. Remove the support and lower the vehicle.

20. Verify the rear camber specifications and adjust as necessary.


Special Tools

CH-43631 Ball Joint Remover

Equivalent regional tools: Special Tools.

Removal Procedure

1. Remove the rear tire and wheel assembly.

2. Rear Wheel Bearing and Hub Assembly - Remove.


Rear Suspension

Position the wheel bearing and hub assembly in a suitable vise.

4. Use the CH-43631 ball joint remover (1) to remove and discard the wheel stud (2).

Installation Procedure


Rear Suspension

Install the NEW wheel stud (1) into the wheel bearing hub flange (2).

2. Add enough washers (3) in order to draw the stud into the hub flange (2).

3. Install the wheel nut (4) against the washers (3).

4. Tighten the wheel nut (4) until the head of the wheel stud (1) is fully seated against the back of the bearing hub flange (2).

5. Remove the wheel nut (4) and the washers (3).

6. Remove the wheel bearing and hub assembly from the vise.

7. Rear Wheel Bearing and Hub Assembly - Install.

8. Install the rear tire and wheel assembly.


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